
PurpleTaraPress © Toshinori Kuga,2008-2024


"My girlfriend is a Cyborg" Kwak Jae-Yong 2008
Starring: Haruka Ayase
『僕の彼女はサイボーグ』郭在容(クァク・ジョエン)監督・脚本 2008


Happy Holidays Season!
I made this video in New York, December 2008. Paper angels and fairies were also created by me for my daughter, Haruka.

これらの紙でできた天使や妖精達は、私の娘がまだ小さかった頃、機会あるごとに彼女へ贈った私手製のプレゼントです。こういったものを他にもかなり作りましたが、今は娘の 部屋の片隅で埃をかぶり、いつかは捨て去られてしまうかもしれない運命にあります。私はこんなことばかりを娘に伝えてきたようです。

Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You

Library of Tama Art University

I recently visited the library of Tama Art University for the first time. Because there is Shuzo Takiguchi Archives and they keep the most of books Takiguchi collected. I called the librarian, Mr. Onzo and Mr. Yamada and they showed me to the basement of library.
Among his books I found 4 copies of my book "Kazuo Okazaki" in good condition and 2 books which I lent them to Takiguchi. One is "Edward Kienholz" and other is "黒人文学全集/The Complete Works of Black Literature". It was strange to see my books after 30 years absence.
It was last year that I was invited by another Takiguchi Archives of Keio University.


On last Friday I visited him at The Yos
eido Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo. He is a young and big hope as a contemporary artist. His work is silk screen. But, to complete a piece of his work, he repeats a few hundreds times to print, so that it becomes three dimensional. His homepage (written in Japanese) as follow; http://www.onokouseki.com/