
PurpleTaraPress © Toshinori Kuga,2008-2024




http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wT50pFwvqKk Happy Holidays Season! I made this video in New York, December 2008. Paper angels and fairies were also created by me for my daughter, Haruka.これらの紙でできた天使や妖精達…

チベット三味線/ダミネン教室 Tibetan Lute/Damyen Class

Library of Tama Art University

I recently visited the library of Tama Art University for the first time. Because there is Shuzo Takiguchi Archives and they keep the most of books Takiguchi collected. I called the librarian, Mr. Onzo and Mr. Yamada and they showed me to …

On last Friday I visited him at The Yoseido Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo. He is a young and big hope as a contemporary artist. His work is silk screen. But, to complete a piece of his work, he repeats a few hundreds times to print, so that it bec…

About 2

Think of 2If 2 objects are exactly same each other… If the 2 are slightly different, or completely different… If we must choose one of them, how we could do.

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宮脇愛子に掌が星型をしているのは 光をとらえるため 瞳の扉をひらき 夢の廊下を手さぐりに もうひとつのまばゆい光に遇うため 働きものの星よ瀧口修造 Titre Perdu à Aiko Miyawaki Les mains ètoilèes Celles qui sont destinées à saisir la lumière Et p…

奈義町現代美術館観月会 2010年9月

It is a very important record for me, because I finally become one as musician and writer, thanks for Shuzo Takiguchi, Aiko Miyawaki, Shusaku Arakawa, Kazuo Okazaki, Kazuaki Kishimoto (curator), Arata Isozaki and other many people who coll…

「怪獣ギャンゴ」岡崎和廊 9月15日より玉川台図書館

KAZUO OKAZAKI - Library Project by Toshinori Kuga July 27, 2011 - March 31, 2012 at Tamagawadai Library Tel. 03-3709-4164 9am - 7 pm closed on Monday, holiday 1-6-15 Tamagawadai, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 7 minutes by walk from Yoga Station (Sout…

Practice on the bank of Tama River

It was cloudy and cool summer today. Watching the fast flow, I practiced Acho Sotop. I will be able to play the fast part of song confidently. Aug. 22, 2011岡本かのこ歌碑多摩川の 清く冷たく やはらかき 水のこころを 誰に語らむ Poem by Kanoko…


岡崎和郎「もうひとつのヒロシマドーム」構想 空閑俊憲 戦争を知らない人は多い。私もそのひとりだが、岡崎和郎は1945年8月6日遠く広島上空が不気味な光に覆われたのを目撃している。その二ヶ月程前かれのいた岡山でも激しい空爆があり、市内は焼け野…

This Okazaki's work which is exhibited at his one man show is called as "Fujimi Jougi". The word "Fujimi" literally means "Viewing Mt. Fuji" and "Jougi" means "Ruler", in this case "Triangle". Fuji-mi refers to hana-mi (flower viewing, usu…



東北関東大震災への見舞いと祈り/Letter from Pasang Dolma

Hi dear Mr Tashi Kunga la, Tashi Delek. How are you? Is everything fine? I hope you are fine, because I saw in news about heavy tsunami that many destroyed and damaged homes, places, highway and factories in Japan, Its really unbelievable …



作曲:武満徹 ピアノ:高橋アキ

この曲は詩人・瀧口修造の『遮られない休息』という美しい詩に触発されて生まれた。 高橋アキの澄み切った鏡面を打つような見事な演奏。 http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/akitakahashi/